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Boost Your Brand: Exclusive Chamber Member Offer

Offer Valid: 09/01/2024 - 12/31/2024
Grow Your Business with Premium Marketing Services—On Us!
Exclusive for Chamber members! Are you struggling to find sustainable marketing services which suit your budget, goals and your style? Then I’d like to help you with that with a crazy awesome opportunity I have.

To better explain why… 

Here’s The Deal:

We’re on a mission to build our service portfolio, gather powerful testimonials, and strengthen our social proof—and we want you to be a part of it. For a limited time, we’re offering an exclusive opportunity for select clients to benefit from our top-tier marketing services at an unbeatable value, while helping us grow our brand.

Partner with us and enjoy exclusive, high-value services for free while contributing to our growth and building your brand’s success.

Here’s how it works:

SEO or Ad Management Services: When you commit to a 6-12 month contract for any of our SEO or Ad Management Services, you’ll receive Free monthly carousel SMM posts (a $1,200 value) for the duration of your contract. These posts are designed to enhance your social media presence, engage your audience, and drive more traffic to your business—all at no additional cost. 

Premium PR Services: Clients who choose one of our premium PR services, such as Podcast Tours or Press Releases, will have the option to receive either our standard SEO or Social Media Management services for free during the campaign period. This is your chance to amplify your brand’s visibility and credibility with a comprehensive marketing strategy tailored to your goals.

We would hop on a 1:1 Strategy zoom call discussion to plan out the best bundle offer we can implement to grow your bottom-line revenue based on your growth level (from one of our free PDF Guides). At the end of the conversation you’ll be walking away with a game plan to change your entire business for the better with a professional marketing campaign tailored to get you the results you need! 

With that being said… 

This offer is not for everyone. So let me explain who it’s a good fit for and not a good fit for:

I can only help a very specific type of business owners. This offer is for business leaders who are ready to scale their business with a professional dream team under their belt to avoid feeling overwhelmed of growing their business by themselves.  Therefore, you need to meet this fairly stringent criteria. 

First: This exclusive opportunity is tailored for businesses ready to grow. To qualify for one of our marketing service bundles, your business must make at least $70,000 in annual revenue. For our PR service bundles, you’ll need to have a minimum annual revenue of $120,000. This ensures that you’re positioned to fully benefit from the value and impact of our services.

Second: Commitment is key. To maximize the effectiveness of this offer, you must be willing to invest at least $1,000 each month into one of our marketing service bundles, or $3,500 each month for one of our PR campaign bundles. This investment reflects your dedication to scaling your business and capitalizing on the comprehensive support we provide to help you achieve your goals.

And finally… 

So if you feel like you fit the above criteria, I recommend you book a spot in my calendar now while this offer is still up.

Why This Matters:

This offer isn’t just about savings—it’s about creating a powerful partnership. By opting into this special offer, you’ll be directly contributing to the growth of our service portfolio and helping us gather valuable testimonials that showcase the impact of our work. In return, you get to leverage our expertise and services to elevate your brand, reach more customers, and start 2025 with unstoppable momentum. 

Limited Availability: 

This unique offer is available to the first 20 clients who opt in before 12/31/2024. After that, our services will return to their regular pricing for the 21st client and beyond. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to kick off the new year with a marketing strategy that’s designed to deliver results while enjoying premium services at a fraction of the cost.

Here’s what to do next 

To book your free 45 minute strategy session simply: 

1. Click the link below 

2. Pick a convenient time on my calendar, and…  

3. Fill out the short questionnaire (it helps us maximise our time together).


I look forward to speaking with you soon.



This Hot Deal is promoted by Woodbury Area Chamber of Commerce.