The 1st Annual Momentous Live Music Fest with music from Tim Mahoney and Special Guests

Date and Time
Saturday May 18, 2024
6:00 PM - 9:30 PM CDT
Saturday, May 18th from 6-9pm
3rd Act Brewery
4120 Radio Drive, Woodbury, MN 55129
This event is FREE to attend, but we would love it if you donated to the Amie Muller Veteran Health and Research Program and Research Fund at:
Contact Information
Brian D Muller
Send Email

The 1st Annual Momentous Live Music Fest with music from Tim Mahoney, Mike Beigle, Tim Griesgraber, and Brian David.
All proceeds go to the Amie Muller Veteran Health Research Program and Research Fund.
Saturday, May 18th from 6-9pm
3rd Act Brewery, Woodbury MN
For more information go to:
This event is FREE to attend, but we would love it if you donated to the Amie Muller Veteran Health and Research Program and Research Fund at: