38th Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament--SOLD OUT!
Event Sponsors
Date and Time
Monday Jun 3, 2024
10:00 AM - 6:30 PM CDT
June 3, 2024
11:00 am - 6:30 pm
*Event held rain or shine. However, if dangerous weather conditions exist the tournament will be cancelled with no make-up date and no refunds.
- 10:00 am - Registration & Practice Green--all golfers should arrive by 11am
- 11:00 am - Sandwich Lunch Buffet, Raffle Sales
- 11:30 am - Scholarship Recipient Meet & Greet and Golfer's Group Photo
- 11:45 am - Call to Carts
- 12:00 pm - Shotgun Start
- 5:30 pm - Social Hour Awards Banquet
Early Pricing Below Ends May 9th!
NO Refunds will be given after registration is completed/paid.
Event is held rain or shine, no refunds will be provided if event needs to be cancelled due to bad weather.
By registering for this event, you are accepting that you could be photographed and the image could be posted on social media.

Event Sponsors

Monday, June 3, 2024
Prestwick Golf Club
9555 Wedgewood Drive, Woodbury
Event is Sold Out!
Registration table opens at 10am for golfers to check in and get golf cart number, purchase raffle tickets for awesome prizes and hit the driving range. Sandwich buffet lunch is available inside the club house from 11-11:30 a.m. Golfers will gather in front of the golf clubhouse for group photo and introduction of scholarship recipients at 11:30 a.m. Shot gun start at noon with golf, course contests and fun hole sponsored activities throughout the afternoon. A social hour and awards banquet will follow play at approximately 5:30 p.m. Awards will be given to the first place foursome and to contest winners.
Player Ticket Price Includes:
18 Holes of Golf & Cart
Sandwich Lunch Buffet
Social Hour Meal
Swag Bag
Beverage Ticket
Raffle Tickets
Ball and Putting Competitions to Win Cash
Early Registration Pricing Ends May 9!
$350 Tee/Green & Course Contest Sponsorship
Final Registration Ends May 21 (If Space Allows)!
$400 Tee/Green & Course Contest Sponsorship
**Click the blue register button

Eagle Sponsor

Social Hour Sponsor

Bloody Mary Sponsor

Beverage Cart Sponsor

Putting Competition Sponsor

Driving Range Sponsorship ($350 before May 9). Greet golfers as they arrive at the driving range.
Tee/Green Sponsorship ($350--SOLD OUT). Signage and your staff promoting business at the tee while providing a fun game/activity OR signage only on the green if unable to attend.
Donate to the golf raffle; all money raised benefits area youth!
Seeking raffle items valued at $25 or greater. Email michele@woodburychamber.org if you wish to donate. All prizes must be to the Chamber office by May 15. Donors will be recognized at the event.
Donate to the Golfer Swag Bag!
Donate 150 swag items branded with your company name/logo or free coupons for product/service at your business. Deadline for items to the Chamber office is May 15. Email michele@woodburychamber.org.